Hurricane Response » Communications


Daily update for Thursday, October 10, 2024

We want to begin our final Hurricane Response Daily Update with a note of thanks to staff, students and our community. Your hard work and support were keys to our success in welcoming students back to school this week.

A special thank you goes out to our incredible staff who worked tirelessly to prepare our schools and classrooms for students. Our teachers, administrators, and support staff took extra care as they planned to respond to the needs of our students and families during this difficult time.

We recognize there is more work to be done as our community recovers from this storm. But we also know that our community is strong and that we can rebuild together. Our schools are important to the recovery process as they are not just places of learning... they are the heart of our community. It is the people in our CCSD family that truly make a difference in the lives of students and in Columbia County. Today, more than ever, we thank you for your support of our students, our schools and our school district. You have proven once again what we already knew... that our school district and this community cares about its children and that this is a great place to work and learn. 

As a reminder, there will be no school for students on Friday, October 11, 2024, due to a planned staff Professional Learning Day. Schools will be closed on Monday, October 14, 2024, for the Columbus Day holiday. We wish everyone a safe and happy break.


  • As road conditions improve, please continue to monitor the Edulog Lite School Bus Tracker App for daily updates of route changes and depot stop information. 
  • Those without power or internet connection may contact the CCSD Department of Transportation at 706-541-2729.
  • Beginning Tuesday, October 15, 2024, students must complete the appropriate form to ride an alternate school bus route than assigned, due to displacement from the storm. Please contact your child’s school administration or your school social worker for assistance.
  • We continue to anticipate delays during pickup and drop off as our school bus drivers slowly, and safely, navigate routes in the coming days and weeks. Thank you for your patience during this time.  


We look forward to resuming our regular schedule, policies, and processes next Tuesday, October 15, 2024.